Another Slow Day =___=




Another day, another boring life to live. I can’t believe nothing INTERESTING happened today, other than I finally drew my O.C character in a Facebook group with the help of my friend Trish. And I got finally informed that I passed the Math exam, and my final grade was not in the brink of extinction or whatnot.

I passed.

Wohhoooo!!!! Big whoop of joy and etc. etc.

And Czashka finally came to school, since she wasn’t able to attend for a whole week. The classroom finally feels not so empty and bland anymore. I can’t believe a classroom without her, ’cause she’s our mood setter. Other than that, I was chosen for the debate team for the English month celebration, AND I am with both my friends, Kurt and Jeeno. Well, both of them were forced to do it because of the votation and such.

But I can’t say that I’m grateful I’m with a team. I mean, there’s the elimination and all, but I couldn’t handle it by myself. Speaking of handling things, I really sucked at it today. Why?

Because 2 members from the girl scout patrol that I am in just quit from participating in camping, and I think mom won’t allow me to attend. So I think I’ll have to talk to the directress of the whole activity. Provided that I will survive the whole thingamajiggy about explaining things and how I’m really sorry, and how she should just distribute the rest of my members to the other groups, etc. etc. =___=

I really hate myself.


Oh, and I just started another story today, and I think that I won’t be able to finish it again. I always leave my stories halfway, and just start with another one without finishing the previous one.

We’ll have another journalism meeting later at 4:30 because we need to finish the articles and edit stuff and finally publish those by the end of the month. Okay, so, HOW DO WE PULL THIS OFF??!!! D:

Not that I’m panicking or anything, but the Junior’s prom is just around the corner, and we still have the upcoming exams, and I deffo know that projects are along the way because its our last term. Well, I’m not that excited with the end of the school year because it just proves that I am getting older, and tenth grade is not that easy as I expected. 

Oh and then there’s college. College schmollege…

I better go or I won’t be able to pass today’s blog. Ciao!


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