Time Flies Fast >:(



I can’t believe its only a few weeks away from prom. Of course, I’m not that excited.

I would rather stay home and stuff my face  um…read or something. Mom is going berserk and all, saying that “You should be pretty, and look good etc. etc.”

Personally, I don’t want to attend prom, but there is another personality in me that is curious what prom is like, but not because she wants to go to prom and dance etc, etc. But it’s just that almost everyone is talking about it. Even my sister was jealous of us ninth graders for having prom. Because they, eighth graders can’t.

She says she wants to wear something like Elsa’s dress in Frozen, but I’m like “Dude, someone is going to trip on that. Seriously”

I mean, hello, you’re waltzing on the floor, and there you are wearing a magnificent dress with a few feet of entrails, and someone just BOOM!!! Lands flat on their faces. =___=

Mom is spending too much on me, because:

1. She is planning to buy me 5 inch heels…. (SERIOUSLY, IS MY OWN MOTHER GOING TO KILL ME? HEELS ARE LIKE DANGER ZONES)

2. She plans to shop cute frilly dresses and etc. etc. (CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE KILL ME NOW?) and..

3. Dump me in a salon (JEEZ. WTF?)

I cannot bear the HORROR of being another person entirely. I mean, jeez its just one dance, then I’m going to be the emcee, then eat, then have the last dance with the food …I mean, with myself.

Anyway, exams are just around the corner. Which means, projects are around too.


Mom is already ranting about me being a responsible student, because I am the eldest, and I will bring my future, etc. etc.

Personally, I don’t like the way they talk to me like that, like I’m some kind of object that will be the one to make up for their past mistakes. Like I’m something that will be better than them.

Well excuu–use me! I am not you.

Okay, enough of the drama. Speaking of time, I have a lot of things that I haven’t completed on time. For example, my newspaper articles. And the bracelets. I haven’t finished them.

In fact, I haven’t started AT ALL. O__O

So, I’m going to start tonight. Which is more like cramming because I have to study and put some stuff for school purposes on the Internet AT THE SAME TIME. Which is NOT COOL.

I really have to fix my priorities. =__=

I’m starting to think that I left my brain back in eight grade. I SOOOO have to bring it back.


P.S. I’m about to die…out of self stupidity school problems


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