English Month Bugs


Yeah, so finally its the English culmination tomorrow, and I’m going to get my butt whooped ..um myself into trouble. 

Seriously, being in the debate team, and in the choir, and in the choral reading contest is no small feat. I am going to die tomorrow, and that’s that.

The moderator is putting too much pressure if you ask me. Like saying, you’re going to be awarded, and the fame and recognition is there etc. etc. Well, I could have felt EVEN more better if she hadn’t said that. :(( Now I am practically nervous, and I am dreading for tomorrow to come. 

For once, I’m not actually looking forward for tomorrow’s event, because it could actually involve life or death. Literally.

Well, okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a little bit, but I mean, hello, I think I’m the only one representing our section in the whole activity individually. The others didn’t pass the elimination and such, and that doesn’t involve the choral reading which is by section.

I really need to pray. REALLY HARD.

‘Cause I can’t lose this. Not now.

Oh man, I can’t believe this seemingly ordinary culmination is giving me the willies. I’m about to explode any minute now. What if we lose? What if I say something wrong? Because there’s a rule that the judges will deduct a point for every vernacular word we say. Which is why I hate Oxford-Oregon Debate. It’s too formal. I like Asian Parliament better.

*slaps self*







Okay, I feel like breaking down now, even though this is not the perfect timing. I have to talk about something else before I barf over my laptop and ruin it.

So anyway, on another part of my day (I just really need to distract myself from all this), I had my physical examination today at the clinic, where my bazoomas were violated. Thank goodness it was a female doctor, or I would’ve run away screaming my head off. Mom says they have to check if you have a cyst or something. But in my case, that was NOT ENOUGH REASON to…um…touch it…

YUCK. :p

On the other hand, it was Januelle’s birthday today. He’s not a friend though he is a classmate. But he’s those  anti-social type of people, and stays quiet on their seats and not talking to a single soul. But he has some guy friends that he talks to, and he DOES get along with Francesca, so I think that we all KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS.. 😀

EVIL PLAN!!!!!Mwahahahaha!!!!

So! It was another one of those busy days, and we didn’t get to practice our dance routine, mainly because everyone else was either busy practicing or goofing around. But we did practice for our Choral Reading for tomorrow. And mom came home from Manila today, and she brought brownies.

Now there are more excuses to stuff my face with brownies whenever I’m nervous. Just remind me tomorrow. Anyway, we planned to buy a dress for me today at the mall, but dad said that he was tired and suggested that we do it on Chinese New Year, which is two days from now. He didn’t agree because he said that there is a class tomorrow– although I wouldn’t consider it as “class” since we’re doing nothing but practicing– and that we need to wake up early.

Like that’s gonna help. =___=

Now all I have to do tomorrow is:

1. Survive the singing choral group.

2. Get over with the Choral reading competition. And win.

3. Return home alive from the debate. And win.

(I cab’t believe they split Ingrid, Tubs and me up. I’m going to be the only grade 9 from the opposition group.) Our topic is: Will we approve with the 0-based grading system?

So yeah, I think ours is a little bit easier, but it’s going to be tough since the other group has Sir Roj, one of the best teachers I know in school. I just hope I won’t get tongue-twisted tomorrow or I AM DEAD MEAT.

Good Luck to me. 


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