Life Sucks :(

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You  know that feeling that you’re sooooo excite about going somewhere, and then some person doesn’t allow you? (Its not my parents by the way) I just hate hate hate hate hate hate that.

I mean, hello, you’re just adding bad vibes to people! I already planned everything out and you suddenly say that I can’t go? What the hell is that? And of course, I know I’ve still got to do tons of things, but still…..

Okay, okay, I know that I act like some sort of crybaby whining about things in life that no one cares about. But I hardly  complain about stuff in real life, so please let me at least complain in the internet world.

Even if nobody really listens. =.=

Okay, so I’ll just continue my life and eat. Goodbye.

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Exams. OVER. Yay.


Finally. Finally. Finally. FINALLY!!!!!


So, exam week is over, and we continue with the busy week of Nutrition Month. I am actually included in the fruit carving competition, and I hope I don’t fail this time, ’cause it will be bad. I am still doing my Theoretical and Conceptual Framework for the dry run in the title defense tomorrow.

For short, I am going to DIEEEEEEE…..

That aside, I had a pretty bad week in exams. I already wrote the correct equation in math and then, I hesitated, and I CHANGED MY RIGHT ANSWER WITH THE WRONG ONE!!!!

I checked my notes after the exams and the hell I started flipping tables all over the place. Literally.

So, in order for me to not add more stress to me face, I shall go and continue my journey with endless headaches and nosebleed.

Aja! \(>.<)/


Wednesday= Exams




Oh dear. Goodbye awesome-yet-weird days, hello to a stressful week of exams. Hurrah. >.>

Okay, I have been studying my butt off for the past few days, and I am feeling stressed. LOL. Even my brain can’t take what the teacher is saying most of the time in class, and they seem to drone on and on and on and on.

Heck, I could just chuck my books into the toilet and flush it all down, but since I need to graduate and achieve the goals in this thing they call life, I have no choice bitses.

It’s not even Wednesday yet, and I already experienced headaches (probably because I ate too much ice cream) and a sore throat (definitely because of ice cream).

Mom and dad are having a row with my younger brother concerning a pair of pants (DON’T ASK). So, I ‘m just listening here inside my room, waiting for the download to be over, and trying not to draw attention to myself (or else I will become a verbal punching bag for my parents who will, in fact, vent out all their anger on me).

It’s not easy being a fourth year high school student, especially if you know that you’re graduating in just a couple of months, and you have to get your grades right or else you can’t graduate.




Hear! Hear! (PSA)

Since it’s July, we are celebrating the Nutrition Month here in the Philippines. For us, nutrition doesn’t mean that we should only eat vegetables or take away fat intake, but we should promote healthy lifestyle and self control.

We can’t easily take off our want in eating junk food. After all, “Masarap ang Bawal”, which means people love to eat or drink things excessively that are not good for the health (alcohol, candies, junk food etc.)

But we should also take caution in what we eat and be aware of the dangers it might give us. It’s okay to eat things that are yummy, but we also must take care of our body if we want to live a long life.


Em Back!



Hello, it’s great to be back (not really).

This only means that class is back on track, and being a sixteen year-old has issues. So, I’m using this again for homework purposes and for other useless things.

I’m also in my LAST year of high school, which means by next year, I’m in stinkin’ COLLEGE. Yay, college. =___=

I have nothing else to say except YOLO, and peace be with you earthlings. (~*O*)~

Yay Me. Exams. :(((


Okay, so I’m having major major major major problems here.

Not only because of the exams tomorrow, but also because of the upcoming prom. Every time I focus my brain into studying, my brain just pops up with imaginations about prom. Then I lose my concentration, and I end up groaning in frustration. Tomorrow is also the defense for our SIP project, which means me and my group have to EXPLAIN thoroughly the things that we have researched.

And Sir Roj is the kind of person who just gives out of this world questions that are often hard to answer. So basically, I may not be able to write here tomorrow because there’s a high probability that I will die of too much stress. =___=

I had a pretty weird day, if you include Kurt going bonkers again because today was supposedly the Computer exam, and he didn’t study, and I was basically his source of answers. But Sir Daniel switched his seat a table farther beside me. And so, the world came to an end he was practically UPSET.

Do not blame me dude. I worked hard to keep my grades up even though it was just cramming.

And computer IS the cause of my downfall in my grades. Since I got a low grade, I wasn’t able to join the honor’s list this grading. Complete flunk to me.

I have to go before mom kills me. I still have to finish our PowerPoint presentation, or else we’ll have nothing tomorrow.



P.S. I will have to take my dress from the seamstress tomorrow. Mom says she’s having second thoughts about my current dress ’cause she says it’s too “SIMPLE”.


P.P.S. Screw that. 😛 

Blog Purpose :0



What is the purpose of this blog?


It is my source of entertainment, and a way to convey my feelings of what is happening from day to day. I’m constantly finding things that are interesting in my day, and I  want to write it down here in my blog, and I don’t care if people don’t bother to read what I write. Doing it like this actually lessens the things in my head, and my stress actually goes down.

Despite this blog being a computer project, I’m having fun taking things down and just rollling with it.

If I base the purpose of a blog in the internet or in the dictionary, it would say:

  • The main purpose of Blogs are to share your knowledge with the world. You can also earn money by posting good quality blogs and using Google adsense. 

But I do not actually have a purpose except to pass the computer project. =__=

But it is quite useful in so many ways.


A Week Away from Prom


Hurray. The Promenade. =___=



So, its just A WEEK away from the ball, and I guess everybody else is going bonkers. I think that people are getting paranoid about what to wear, what color the dress is, where will they get their hair and make-up, who is dating who, who will be your last dance, and etc. etc.

I guess I’m excited, but I am not enthusiastic. If you get that feeling. =___=

Yesterday was Valentines day, and you could say that I had a SNOOZEFEST inside my bedroom, and successfully IGNORED the fact that yesterday was the day of LUURVE. Blech.

Bestie and I had a prior plan to go to the mall, but then, we said: WHY BOTHER??? 

I mean, if you go to the mall, there will be TONS of people doing lovey-dovey moments. Even if you go to the boutiques, the cinema, the restaurants, the comfort room, the waiting area, the supermarket, ALL YOU SEE are people forever making SINGLE PEOPLE (like me) grit their teeth.

Well, I am DEFINITELY NOT jealous or anything, but I think, well, couldn’t they just… you know, NOT BE TOO OBVIOUS?? 

Anyway, I just bought my shoes, bag and the accessories. I SOOO want to wear my worn out sneakers. 


Today was a REALLY eventful day. If you count my mom getting angry at sis, and me having this SEVERE headache due to my cold that hasn’t been over since two weeks ago. Great. So basically, I have to get better before the prom or else I’ll be SNIFFING between my lines everytime I talk when I’ll take over as the emcee. 

Okay, so all I have to do is do the defense in the SIP, and SURVIVE the exams and be the awesomest PANDA EVER!!!

I have to go because I still need to finish another project. And I will kill myself if I get a zero if I don’t.
