English Month Bugs


Yeah, so finally its the English culmination tomorrow, and I’m going to get my butt whooped ..um myself into trouble. 

Seriously, being in the debate team, and in the choir, and in the choral reading contest is no small feat. I am going to die tomorrow, and that’s that.

The moderator is putting too much pressure if you ask me. Like saying, you’re going to be awarded, and the fame and recognition is there etc. etc. Well, I could have felt EVEN more better if she hadn’t said that. :(( Now I am practically nervous, and I am dreading for tomorrow to come. 

For once, I’m not actually looking forward for tomorrow’s event, because it could actually involve life or death. Literally.

Well, okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a little bit, but I mean, hello, I think I’m the only one representing our section in the whole activity individually. The others didn’t pass the elimination and such, and that doesn’t involve the choral reading which is by section.

I really need to pray. REALLY HARD.

‘Cause I can’t lose this. Not now.

Oh man, I can’t believe this seemingly ordinary culmination is giving me the willies. I’m about to explode any minute now. What if we lose? What if I say something wrong? Because there’s a rule that the judges will deduct a point for every vernacular word we say. Which is why I hate Oxford-Oregon Debate. It’s too formal. I like Asian Parliament better.

*slaps self*







Okay, I feel like breaking down now, even though this is not the perfect timing. I have to talk about something else before I barf over my laptop and ruin it.

So anyway, on another part of my day (I just really need to distract myself from all this), I had my physical examination today at the clinic, where my bazoomas were violated. Thank goodness it was a female doctor, or I would’ve run away screaming my head off. Mom says they have to check if you have a cyst or something. But in my case, that was NOT ENOUGH REASON to…um…touch it…

YUCK. :p

On the other hand, it was Januelle’s birthday today. He’s not a friend though he is a classmate. But he’s those  anti-social type of people, and stays quiet on their seats and not talking to a single soul. But he has some guy friends that he talks to, and he DOES get along with Francesca, so I think that we all KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS.. 😀

EVIL PLAN!!!!!Mwahahahaha!!!!

So! It was another one of those busy days, and we didn’t get to practice our dance routine, mainly because everyone else was either busy practicing or goofing around. But we did practice for our Choral Reading for tomorrow. And mom came home from Manila today, and she brought brownies.

Now there are more excuses to stuff my face with brownies whenever I’m nervous. Just remind me tomorrow. Anyway, we planned to buy a dress for me today at the mall, but dad said that he was tired and suggested that we do it on Chinese New Year, which is two days from now. He didn’t agree because he said that there is a class tomorrow– although I wouldn’t consider it as “class” since we’re doing nothing but practicing– and that we need to wake up early.

Like that’s gonna help. =___=

Now all I have to do tomorrow is:

1. Survive the singing choral group.

2. Get over with the Choral reading competition. And win.

3. Return home alive from the debate. And win.

(I cab’t believe they split Ingrid, Tubs and me up. I’m going to be the only grade 9 from the opposition group.) Our topic is: Will we approve with the 0-based grading system?

So yeah, I think ours is a little bit easier, but it’s going to be tough since the other group has Sir Roj, one of the best teachers I know in school. I just hope I won’t get tongue-twisted tomorrow or I AM DEAD MEAT.

Good Luck to me. 


Talk About Pressure :((



Yay me.

Hullo. I have been worrying over the past few hours about my weird life and everything in it. Well, actually, I was just wondering what to do with my life since school was about to get busy and pressuring again.

I don’t know if its the habit of school, or maybe its just the teachers, or maybe its just me, but they have the habit of pressuring the students and making them SUFFER. Or maybe we’re just THAT lazy and everything. =___=

But I really can’t understand what’s with my brain. Just as I said before, I think I left my brain back in eight grade, and now I cant believe I can’t get it back. So basically I have to make new things again, and make a new brain grow out of my head. *sigh*

Dang it. 

If anybody is going to read this, well, GOOD LUCK. ‘Cause I am the most complicated girl you’ll ever talk to in the future. Even my friends still don’t get me. O___O

So, what happened in my actually BORING day??

Well, something INTERESTING finally happened. Well, it’s not really INTERESTING, but its more of TENSION. You see, we were having our practice for Choral Reading, and Dude#1 (my guy best friend) just lost it and told us to quit crapping around being lousy, and we had to go back to another paragraph.

Well, I think Dude#2(my classmate)snapped because of Dude#1’s comment and yelled the last lines, which was a surprise to everyone. Well I admit that Dude#1’s position as president possibly made him a teensy wee bit slight bigheaded, but I think that Dude#2 shouldn’t have done that. 

The WHOLE time that we were practicing, there was TENSION in the air as if the whole place could explode any minute. When  we went back to the classroom, we were all quiet and silent. And Girl#1 (another classmate) started yelling at the boys and telling them to stop being such douchebags. 

So yeah. 

Oh, and we were having embroidery lessons today, and one of my guy friends KNEW HOW TO DO IT AND I COULDN’T. O__O

I guess there are inner girls within guys..wait..what?

Okay, so today was also the birthday of one of my closest girl friends. I have her a friendship bracelet because when I asked her what she would want on her birthday, she just answered “Your friendship”, and I was like, “GIRLFRIEND, YOU BETTER GIVE ME SOMETHING CONCRETE, OR IMMA GIVE YOU MY SOCKS”

And she just laughed. Great.

I think that’s it. Nothing else happened today.. so buhbye…


Time Flies Fast >:(



I can’t believe its only a few weeks away from prom. Of course, I’m not that excited.

I would rather stay home and stuff my face  um…read or something. Mom is going berserk and all, saying that “You should be pretty, and look good etc. etc.”

Personally, I don’t want to attend prom, but there is another personality in me that is curious what prom is like, but not because she wants to go to prom and dance etc, etc. But it’s just that almost everyone is talking about it. Even my sister was jealous of us ninth graders for having prom. Because they, eighth graders can’t.

She says she wants to wear something like Elsa’s dress in Frozen, but I’m like “Dude, someone is going to trip on that. Seriously”

I mean, hello, you’re waltzing on the floor, and there you are wearing a magnificent dress with a few feet of entrails, and someone just BOOM!!! Lands flat on their faces. =___=

Mom is spending too much on me, because:

1. She is planning to buy me 5 inch heels…. (SERIOUSLY, IS MY OWN MOTHER GOING TO KILL ME? HEELS ARE LIKE DANGER ZONES)

2. She plans to shop cute frilly dresses and etc. etc. (CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE KILL ME NOW?) and..

3. Dump me in a salon (JEEZ. WTF?)

I cannot bear the HORROR of being another person entirely. I mean, jeez its just one dance, then I’m going to be the emcee, then eat, then have the last dance with the food …I mean, with myself.

Anyway, exams are just around the corner. Which means, projects are around too.


Mom is already ranting about me being a responsible student, because I am the eldest, and I will bring my future, etc. etc.

Personally, I don’t like the way they talk to me like that, like I’m some kind of object that will be the one to make up for their past mistakes. Like I’m something that will be better than them.

Well excuu–use me! I am not you.

Okay, enough of the drama. Speaking of time, I have a lot of things that I haven’t completed on time. For example, my newspaper articles. And the bracelets. I haven’t finished them.

In fact, I haven’t started AT ALL. O__O

So, I’m going to start tonight. Which is more like cramming because I have to study and put some stuff for school purposes on the Internet AT THE SAME TIME. Which is NOT COOL.

I really have to fix my priorities. =__=

I’m starting to think that I left my brain back in eight grade. I SOOOO have to bring it back.


P.S. I’m about to die…out of self stupidity school problems


Another Slow Day =___=




Another day, another boring life to live. I can’t believe nothing INTERESTING happened today, other than I finally drew my O.C character in a Facebook group with the help of my friend Trish. And I got finally informed that I passed the Math exam, and my final grade was not in the brink of extinction or whatnot.

I passed.

Wohhoooo!!!! Big whoop of joy and etc. etc.

And Czashka finally came to school, since she wasn’t able to attend for a whole week. The classroom finally feels not so empty and bland anymore. I can’t believe a classroom without her, ’cause she’s our mood setter. Other than that, I was chosen for the debate team for the English month celebration, AND I am with both my friends, Kurt and Jeeno. Well, both of them were forced to do it because of the votation and such.

But I can’t say that I’m grateful I’m with a team. I mean, there’s the elimination and all, but I couldn’t handle it by myself. Speaking of handling things, I really sucked at it today. Why?

Because 2 members from the girl scout patrol that I am in just quit from participating in camping, and I think mom won’t allow me to attend. So I think I’ll have to talk to the directress of the whole activity. Provided that I will survive the whole thingamajiggy about explaining things and how I’m really sorry, and how she should just distribute the rest of my members to the other groups, etc. etc. =___=

I really hate myself.


Oh, and I just started another story today, and I think that I won’t be able to finish it again. I always leave my stories halfway, and just start with another one without finishing the previous one.

We’ll have another journalism meeting later at 4:30 because we need to finish the articles and edit stuff and finally publish those by the end of the month. Okay, so, HOW DO WE PULL THIS OFF??!!! D:

Not that I’m panicking or anything, but the Junior’s prom is just around the corner, and we still have the upcoming exams, and I deffo know that projects are along the way because its our last term. Well, I’m not that excited with the end of the school year because it just proves that I am getting older, and tenth grade is not that easy as I expected. 

Oh and then there’s college. College schmollege…

I better go or I won’t be able to pass today’s blog. Ciao!


The Thing Called Art



I have a lot of things to babble about today, and I hope I have enough time to say– er, write about this. By the way, I switched back to the language English so everyone could understand all the things i’m saying.

So, a lot of things happened in my day today. First of all, I was finally inspired.

No, not because of SOMEBODY, for Pete’s sake. =___=

I don’t know, it just came to me, and popped into my head, so I’m like, “DING!” 

And my creative juices began flowing out. Blech, just saying that makes me puke. Anyway, I began drawing into someone else’s sketchpad. Not my idea of private art, but I have no other paper to draw in, and so, I began sketching, I can’t post it yet, ’cause I’m not yet done with the colors and such, but I’ll be sure to post and such.

But I have been quite interested in painting ever since Christmas Break started, and I practically diminished all of my painting materials and I don’t even know how to do digital painting. So there you go. =__=

But a teacher saw what I drew and complimented me. It’s not uncommon, but I could still feel tight-lipped whenever someone compliments whatever thing I’m doing. Mainly because I hardly get anything at home. But I did not write here to blab about my family angst and etc. etc.

There’s only one thing I know: I love art.

I’ve started drawing since I was a kid, and mom said I had that talent from my uncle. But I think that talent does not come from genes. They come from hardworking people who do their best to reach whatever goal they want to achieve. I think I appreciate the quote that “Geniuses aren’t made, they are honed”.

So I hope that the promises that were made on this day would be fulfilled, and I hope that I would go to the next level.

So yeah, I guess that’s it. 

I’ll just summarize the other things that happened to me. First, dad went bonkers again.

I can’t believe I am listening to him rant about the dogs and etc. etc. I love him and all, but I hope his rantings won’t get worse once he’s sixty. =__=

Second, I am totally busy because we have to choreograph a dance routine. BY OURSELVES!!!! In time for the march presentation. So apparently at our club, all the members were divided in three, and were instructed to make our own dance moves. T___T

Oh no.

I hope I can get through this.

See ya

Rainy Days :)



Sobrang lamig ng araw na ‘to. I decided to make some kind of diary/blog watsits kasi wala na akong ibang magawa, 😦 Lol. Hindi ko naman masyado gusto ang rainy days kasi maputik, basa, and everything. Pero ito lang rin ang time ko para mag emote, so I just pop on my headphones, play some sad songs, sit by the window, and voila! Music video na kaagad.

Yung iba naman, naglalaro sa ulan, ayan tuloy, nagkakasakit. 😛 

Pero it brings back memories everytime the weather goes like this. I get nostalgic and sad, kasi it reminds me na hindi na ako babalik pa sa pagkabata. ‘Cause here I am, grown up into a teenager, and I have no choice but to live with it. Not that I am complaining. =3=

Wala naman nangyari na interesting sa araw na ‘to. Just the normal quirks of being a ninth grader, and the usual boringness inside the classroom. I guess naghahanap lang talaga ako ng stuff na sa tingin ko ay interesting. 

Anyway, maraming absent.


Pero kahit papano, may pumasok. May mga nagkasakit, ayaw pa pumasok sa school, etc. etc. 😛

BTW, may nagpagawa sa akin ng friendship bracelets. Nagbigay na kasi ako ng mga “pahabol gifts” kasi wala akong mabigay last Christmas Part-ay, so nagbigay na lang ako ng friendship bracelets. Nag-click naman, so okay lang. I don’t mind making too many kasi wala nama rin akong pinagka-abalahan sa vacation. Pampalipas oras na rin yun.

As usual, the computer subject is taxing. Kasi palagi kong nakakalimutan na meron pa palang blogs. So idea ko na lang na mag write ng ka-echosan ko araw-araw para may twist sa buhay ko kahit konte…

So this is what I have for today. Sana hindi ako tamarin bukas na mag-type sa computer. 😛

Ja ne~




New Year 2014



Its the year of the wooden horse, and 2014 has a lot of things in store for us people. Filipinos have long been immersed in their culture and beliefs. Of course, they believe in something like good luck and bad luck, and superstitions and such. I have been the kind of person who has lived surrounded by books, and believe in what I have read (I believe in God, mind you). And I think that good luck depends on all of us, whether how well we bring ourselves to which path we want to take.

My dad says that I’m he kind of person that faces things head-on recklessly without thinking. Sometimes I think he’s right because I end up being in a tight situation or screwing things up unpurposely. I do not believe in luck that much, though I take chances, but I always believed in the strength in humans to live life and move forward.

This year, I hope that people will have a change of lifestyle for the good. To believe in themselves and in the power of God. We must remember that we wouldn’t live to see this day without him.

Happy New Year.